Preparing for a C-Section birth PIC.jpg

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Planning for a C-section birth

Generally; We all have opinions on birthing at home or hospital, but sometimes we don’t have a choice. Sometimes because of emergencies, interventions are inevitable and the only way. Some babies come when and where they want to. Some women don't have the possibility to go to a hospital... it all is uncertain even if we want to control the situation, FATE plays a big part, even in a hospital setting.

I wrote a blog about this very topic when i saw how conflicted some womxn were in that group about being c-section mamas. The link to the blog can be found here

The best you can do is build a relationship with your caregivers and birthing team, learn to keep calm, know your options, ask questions and hold on to your mama instincts throughout

However your birth evolves, be confident it is YOUR birth. That is where your strongest power lays, because your experience that day is very important!
